If a customer has multiple Merchant Accounts processing against the same Braintree gateway account, this feature will allow the customer to specify which Merchant Account will be used.

To implement this feature in your org, please follow the following steps:

 1. If you already have an existing Braintree processor, go to Payment Center Settings | Payment Processors | Braintree. Since you have multiple Braintree Merchant account IDs, you would need to edit the existing processor record to include one of your Braintree Merchant AccountID. For the other Merchant Account IDs, kindly create a new Braintree Account processor record.

To create a new processor, go to Payment Center Settings. Locate the ‘Processor’ related list then select ‘New’.  Select ‘Braintree’, then input the required credentials.

 2. On the processor record, toggle the account details, switch to Test/Live. Add the necessary credentials for the following fields: Mode, Merchant ID,   Public Key, Private Key and Merchant Account ID and then hit ‘Save’. 

Note: To input the correct Merchant account ID, login to your Braintree merchant account and navigate to Business > Merchant Accounts and then copy the desired Merchant Account ID.

 3. Additionally, if you’re using entities, ensure to create Entity record/s to match with the intended BrainTree Merchant AccountID.


To do a test payment, do the following:

  1. Go to an unpaid Invoice.
  2. Click Pay Invoice and populate all required fields.
  3. Click Next > Submit Payment. Upon successful transaction, a payment record will be created.
  4. On your Braintree merchant account, validate that the transaction is processed on the correct Merchant Account ID.