Email multiple invoices at once

For more information, please go to this link: Email multiple invoices at once

Billing address on payment profiles

Payment profiles are a great way to securely store credit card numbers for future payments. If an account with a profile makes a payment, the account’s credit card number is automatically pulled up from the profile. Prior to this release, the billing address is pulled up from the account. In scenarios where the customer uses multiple credit cards, this won’t always work because there’s only one place where the billing address is stored, which is at the account level. With this release, you can now specify the billing address for each credit card in the profile.


Exclude an invoice from outstanding email reminders

Payment Center comes with an awesome feature that sends reminders to customers about their invoices being past due. If for some reason you don’t want an invoice re-sent when it becomes past due, you can check the Stop Collection box (if you can’t find the checkbox in your layout, you will have to edit your layout to expose the checkbox).

Auto-BillPay failure email reminder

When Auto-BillPay fails (i.e. declined credit card, etc.), an email is automatically sent to the customer informing him/her of the payment failure. With this release, the owner of the invoice (the one who created the invoice) is also copied (BCC) on the email.