The Issue: Lack of Payment Method Information in Callbacks
Flywire's current system encounters a limitation when processing callbacks. Specifically, during callback procedures, payment methods are not returned. Consequently, the system defaults to 'Wire transfer' as the hardcoded payment method. This limitation not only affects the accuracy of payment records but also hinders the user experience by providing incomplete information.

Solution Design: Introducing a New Endpoint (v2)
To overcome this challenge, Payment Center has devised a solution that involves the creation of a new endpoint, referred to as 'v2.' This new endpoint is designed to accept and process different payloads, enabling the system to handle two callbacks seamlessly. The first callback, utilizing the original payload, initiates the standard process. The second callback, containing more data, including the payment method, enhances the completeness and accuracy of information.

Key Components of the Solution:

New Endpoint (v2): The introduction of the 'v2' endpoint signifies a version upgrade, incorporating the necessary changes to handle varied payloads.

Dual Callbacks: The dual callback approach ensures that Flywire receives both the standard payload and an enriched payload containing additional data, such as the payment method.

Payment Processing: The system processes these transactions accordingly, extracting and utilizing the payment method information from the second callback. This allows for accurate recording and representation of the payment methods used in Flywire transactions.


Scenario 1: Credit Card Payment 

Flywire's Response: The payment method information (card) is captured by the 'v2' endpoint during the second callback.

Payment Method in Payment Page

The system creates a payment record indicating that the payment method used is 'Credit Card.'

Scenario 2: Bank Transfer Payment

Flywire's Response: The payment method information (bank transfer) is captured by the 'v2' endpoint during the second callback.

Payment Method in Payment Page

The system creates a payment record indicating that the payment method used is 'Bank Transfer.'


Benefits of the Solution:

Enhanced Accuracy: With the ability to capture and process payment methods from the second callback, Flywire ensures accurate representation of the payment methods.

Improved User Experience: Users will now see the actual payment method associated with their transactions, eliminating confusion and providing a more transparent and trustworthy payment experience.

The integration of a new endpoint (v2) within Flywire's system successfully resolves the challenge of unreliable payment method information in callbacks. This resolution guarantees precise payment records and elevates the user experience by presenting the real payment methods employed in transactions. 


Availability: Winter '24