For upgrading users, the Revolving Balance feature that came with the May 2013 release is not activated by default. Read on to learn how to activate the feature.


Edit Payment Center Settings layout and expose the field Carry Over Revolving Balance. Once the field is available on the page, ensure to check the box, as shown below:

So that revolving balance shows up on the invoice (email/PDF), you can either replace your invoice template with the new templates that came with this release, or edit your existing template to include the revolving balance. Choose the former if you haven’t made any customizations to your invoice, otherwise choose the latter so you won’t lose your customizations.

The new templates, if you choose to use them, are:

  • Standard Invoice v2.28 (Email) – invoice is on the email body
  • Standard Invoice v2.28 (PDF) – invoice is attached as a PDF

If you want to edit your existing template, then insert the following code (choose between PDF or email template depending on which one you’re using):

PDF Template:

<!-- Revolving Balance -->
 <apex:outputtext styleClass="normalText" value="Revolving Balance"
 rendered="{!Relatedto.fw1__Revolving_Balance__c != 0 || Relatedto.fw1__Revolving_Balance__c != null}"/>
 <apex:outputpanel styleClass="normalText"
 rendered="{!Relatedto.fw1__Revolving_Balance__c != 0 || Relatedto.fw1__Revolving_Balance__c != null}">
 <apex:outputText >{!Relatedto.fw1__Email_Currency_Symbol__c}</apex:outputText>
 <apex:outputText value="{0, number, ###,###,###,###,##0.00}">
 <apex:param value="{!Relatedto.fw1__Revolving_Balance__c}"/>

For example:

Email Template:

<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!Relatedto.fw1__Revolving_Balance__c != 0 || Relatedto.fw1__Revolving_Balance__c != null}">
 <td colspan="7" style="padding: 4px;text-align: right;">Revolving Balance</td>
 <td style="padding: 4px;text-align: right;">
 <apex:outputText >{!Relatedto.fw1__Email_Currency_Symbol__c}</apex:outputText>
 <apex:outputText value="{0, number, ###,###,###,###,##0.00}">
 <apex:param value="{!Relatedto.fw1__Revolving_Balance__c}"/>

For example:

In the online payment page, details of the invoice is also displayed. So as to display the revolving balance, make the new fields of the invoice available on Sites. More information can be found here. Look for the instructions on setting Field-Level Security.

If you have any questions, please email us at