Product lookup is now available when creating invoices (or recurring invoices). To add products to your invoice, click the Add Products button in the Invoice Lines related list, as shown below:

Screen Shot 2013-10-23 at 11.09.02 PM


In the product selection page, select your price book, enter a keyword and add the desired items to your cart. When done selecting products, click Add cart items to Invoice. A screenshot is shown below:

Screen Shot 2013-10-23 at 11.12.01 PM

For recurring invoices, product lookup is also available:

Screen Shot 2013-10-23 at 11.30.45 PM


Upgrading Users

For upgrading users, the Add Products button is not readily available in the page layout. To expose the button, follow the steps below:

  1. Invoice: Go to Setup | Create | Objects | Invoice. Under Page Layouts, edit Invoice Layout (and/or any custom layout that you may have created). Under Related Lists, click on the Properties for Invoice Lines:

    Expand the Buttons section. Under Available Buttons section, move Add Products to the Selected Buttons section. Sample screenshot is shown below:Screen Shot 2013-10-23 at 11.37.32 PM Save the layout.
  2. Recurring Invoice: use the same instructions above, substituting Recurring Invoice as appropriate.

This feature is available in the October 2013 release.