For users coming from other systems, you can transfer any of your recurring billing data into Payment Center. Of course Payment Center has its own way of doing things so some sort of field mapping needs to be done in order to fit your existing data into Payment Center.
What You Need
- Excel or Google Spreadsheet – you need this to enter your recurring billing data
- Our pre-defined template – you can get it here: Recurring Invoice Upload Template
- Data Loader (and knowledge thereof) – you need this to upload your data into Payment Center. More info here:
- Somehow export your recurring billing data from your existing system. You will use this data to populate the template, which you will later on upload into Payment Center.
- Recurring invoices require Accounts, which means you have to have all your accounts in Salesforce. To associate recurring invoices with accounts, you need the account IDs. Using Data Loader, export your accounts into a CSV file. You will only need to export the ID and the name of the account, as shown below:
- Open the template and populate the Accounts worksheet with the exported accounts. Note that the Name has to be the first column:
- If you use Contacts, you may also want to associate those with the recurring invoices. Using Data Loader, export your contacts into a CSV file. You will only need to export the ID, Name and AccountID:
- Populate the Contacts worksheet with the exported contacts. Note that the Name should be the first column, ID the second and AccountID the third:
- Go to the RECURRING INVOICES – FOR UPLOAD worksheet and enter your data.
- Enter the account name. The ID should be automatically pulled from the Accounts worksheet. If nothing is pulled, then it means it did not find the account:
- Enter the contact name. Just like the account, the ID should be automatically pulled from the Contacts worksheet. You should enter a contact that is associated with the account. The IS CONTACT VALID? column will tell you if the contact is associated with the account:
- Populate the remaining columns.
- The data above is the header portion of the recurring invoice. You need to upload these first before you can upload the line items. To do the upload, export/save RECURRING INVOICES – FOR UPLOAD worksheet to a CSV file, then use Data Loader to upload the data into Payment Center, as shown by the succeeding screenshots:
- Choose Insert:
- Select Recurring Invoice and enter the CSV file:
- Click Create or Edit a Map:
- Click Auto-Match Fields to Columns:
- Follow onscreen instructions until you finish the upload.
- After a successful upload, you will notice that your recurring invoices do not have line items. You will now need to enter the line items in the template and upload them separately. But before you can do that, you need to somehow associate the line items to the appropriate recurring invoice. To do that you need the recurring invoice IDs. Using Data Loader, export the recurring invoices you just uploaded. You only need the ID and the Name, as shown below:
- Using the exported recurring invoices, populate the Recurring Invoices worksheet in the template, with Name being the first column:
- Go to the RECURRING INVOICE LINES – FOR UPLOAD worksheet and enter your line items.
- Enter the recurring invoice name. The ID should be automatically pulled from the Recurring Invoices worksheet:
- Populate the remaining columns.
- Export/save RECURRING INVOICE LINES – FOR UPLOAD worksheet to a CSV file, then use Data Loader to upload the line items. The upload process is the same as the Recurring Invoice upload, except that the target Salesforce object is Recurring Invoice Line.
At this point, your recurring invoices are now uploaded into Payment Center. To learn more about recurring invoices, please follow these links: